Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Intern teacher fell in love with

Barack Obama's moving speech touched the hearts of tens of millions of American voters, and his wife, Michelle Obama is the touching love envy the people of the world. Britain, "The Guardian" does not even hesitate to use "the White House in the history of the most romantic humor of the first family" to describe the forthcoming White House and his wife. In the long U.S. presidential election, Michelle Obama is the most camp Duorenyanqiu One of the highlights. She and Obama in the campaign arena, "echoed each other," everywhere in the United States to show the White House in the history of the most romantic, easily the most humorous, most of the first family together. Intern teacher fell in love with 44-year-old Mitchell was born in Chicago in the southern black community. She studied at Princeton University, is a class on academic scholarship to maintain one of the few students. After graduating from undergraduate, Michelle entered Harvard Law School study in 1988 into a well-known Chicago law firm work. It is at this time Michelle Obama know. At that time, Obama came to the office where her practice, Michelle is a teacher and guidance. Yin Neizhu no power Whether at work or in life, thinking quick, efficient and capable Michelle Obama is an essential yin Neizhu. Cheerful personality, sense of humor, unlike other politicians from Michel's wife as to praise her husband, but often in the campaign to the outside world from time to time in Obama's family bid noon, for example: Obama has toilet Chong directly after leaving the toilet, often sleeping snoring, and so on. However, Michel said the practice was too artificial, she started to become a low-key, but they are husband and wife in public ridicule of the jokes are still to the outside world has left a deep impression on him. In the early campaign, Obama's team has analysts worried that the strategy of this unique Michelle Obama will get into trouble from their campaign of "burden." However, facts have proven that Obama can win a lot of women the vote, in which Michel made a contribution. His wife is "cigarette case" There is no doubt that the hard-line character of Michelle Obama's a great impact on Obama and his wife have always been boys. Obama has said with emotion: "Michael and I have veto powers, if I have to run against her, then I will withdraw from the election." Not long ago, Obama to the "Newsweek" to describe its time Michel Seoul asked the views of the election scene. He said: "When I would run to tell her the news, she said, subconsciously 'no'." It turned out that Michelle Obama is the fear of being attacked in his capacity as African-American, white fear extremists will be hurt Obama's life. This is Obama's campaign in the beginning, hired a private bodyguard. However, the end of the day, Obama gentlemen's agreement reached by the couple: If the Obama presidential campaign, he promised to be completely Michel quit smoking. Later, when asked whether Obama's who also carry a cigarette case, Michael Craig ridicule of Gege Ke said: "Now, Michelle Obama is a cigarette case!"

贝拉克·奥巴马的动人演讲感动了千万美国选民,他与妻子米歇尔·奥巴马的动人爱情更是羡煞世人。英国《卫报》甚至不吝惜用“白宫历史上最浪漫风趣的第一家庭”来形容这一对即将入主白宫的伉俪。  在漫长的美国大选中,米歇尔无疑是奥巴马阵营最夺人眼球的亮点之一。她和奥巴马在竞选舞台上的“一唱一和”,处处向外界展示了美国白宫历史上最浪漫,最幽默轻松,最齐心协力的第一家庭。